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jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

Entrevista Dr.Gerardo Guillén sobre la COVID 2019 y el Interferón

En la batalla contra el #Coronavirus: ¿Por qué el #Interferón Alfa 2B Recombinante es efectivo en el tratamiento del #COVID2019? Les dejamos con la explicación del doctor Gerardo Guillén, director de investigaciones biomédicas del CIGB, en entrevista a Cubavisión Internacional 
Interferón alfa 2b humano recombinante Seguridad máxima a nivel de célula


  • Due to its known mechanism of action, Interferon has being commonly used against viral infections for which there are no specific therapies available. 
  •  The antiviral effect of interferon has been extensively demonstrated being the first line of antiviral defense, activating both the innate immune response against the virus, as well as the mechanism of inhibition of viral replication due to the Interferon inducer genes (W.M. Schneider, et al. Annual Review of Immunology. 2014; 32:513-545). 
  • It has been reported that SARS-CoV (Coronavirus associated to 2002 outbreak) reduces IFN expression, avoiding the activation of IFN inducer genes like STAT1 and MyD88 and the possibility for the antiviral defense mechanisms to detect the presence of the virus. (M.J. Cameron, et al. PLoS ONE 2012, 7 (9): e45842). 
  • The papain-like protease of the coronavirus has shown antagonistic activity to Interferon. Interferon Antagonism Activities of Coronavirus Papain-Like Proteases. J Virol. 2010;84(9):4619–29. 
  • Both SARS and MERS are antagonistic to interferon. Advances in Virus Research. 2016. p. 219–43. It has been demonstrated that Interferon’s induction protects against infection caused by MERS-CoV (coronavirus associated to 2012 outbreak). Blockage of Interferon prolongs virus clearance, increases the inflammatory response and decreases the T-cell mediated cellular response. 
  • Demonstration of the sensitivity of SARS / MERS CoV to Interferon and other drugs based on hyper immune serum in man. Infect Disord – Drug Targets [Internet]. 2014 Sep 11 Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25019238 
  • Has been shown that the induction of NF-kB (associated mechanism with the increase of proinflammatory cytokines) is increased in adult monkeys associated with lung damage, and consequently the inflammatory response mediated by cytosines IL-6 and IL-8. In young monkeys where IFN early expression is elevated this does not happen. (S.L. Smits, et al. PLoS Pathogens, 6 (2010), p. e100075).
  • The administration of IFN during the first day after inoculating mice with the virus (before the viral multiplication peak is reached), prevented the death of the mice by producing a subclinical infection. A late administration of IFN did not achieve the same effects. R. Channappanavar, et al. J Clin Invest. 2019;129(9):3625-3639. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI126363.). 
  • Recent articles have also shown that early IFN expression enhance the rapid induction of the neutralizing antibody response. (Marco de Giovani, et al. Nature Immunology 2020). 
  • It is recommended the use of Interferon in pregnant women using nebulization through the respiratory tract. Review Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2020;00:1-4., article “Novel corona virus disease (COVID-19) in pregnancy: What clinical recommendations to follow?”. 
  • Recommended use of nebulized Interferon Alfa 2B in children. World Journal of Pediatrics, February 2020, articles “Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of 2019 novel coronavirus infection in children: experts’ consensus statement” and “Pharmaceutical care recommendations for antiviral treatments in children with coronavirus disease 2019”.
These evidences and previous studies suggest the possible use of Interferon as a preventive therapy in a vulnerable population and in early stages of infection. In addition, the use of Interferon in the current pandemic continues to be published and is recommended in Patient Treatment Protocols by different countries and organizations.
Given the urgency to stop the spread of this pandemic, not only interferon, but different drugs are being used as therapeutic tools, even though their efficacy has not been demonstrated for the treatment of SARSCOV-2.

Recommendations on the clinical use of Interferon issued in guidelines by WHO, China, Singapore, South Korea and Spain

  • Chinese Society of Pharmacology Experts Consensus issued on February 6, 2020: Interferon-alpha (adults: 5 MIU diluted in 2ml water for injection and nebulized twice a day)
  • Listed on the indications of “Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia” (Trial Version 7) issued by the National Health Commission & State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine on March 3, 2020).
  • Listed on the Guidelines issued by the John Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore.
  • Listed on the Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID 19), February 16th to 24th. Page 32/33 quote: “There are no specific antiviral or immune modulating agents proven (or recommended) to improve outcomes. All patients are monitored by regular pulse oximetry. The guidelines include supportive care by clinical category (mild, moderate, severe and critical), as well as the role of investigational treatments such as chloroquine, phosphate, lopinavir/ritonavir, alpha interferon, ribavirin, arbidol. The application of intubation/invasive ventilation and ECMO in critically ill patients can improve survival”
  • The Interferon was also recommended by the Experts Committee for the Treatment and Prevention of COVID-19 in a recent article published on January 29th in the World Journal of Pediatrics. The Committee was formed by representatives from the Group of Respirology, Chinese Pediatric Society, Chinese Medical Association, Chinese Medical Doctor Association Committee on Respirology Pediatrics, China Medicine Education Association Committee on Pediatrics, Chinese Research Hospital Association, Committee on Pediatrics, Chinese Non-government Medical Institutions Association, Committee on Pediatrics, China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Committee on Children’s Health and Medicine Research, China News of Drug Information Association, Committee on Children’s Safety Medication, Global Pediatric Pulmonology Alliance, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12519-020-00343-7 
The above mentioned article recommends the following treatments:
  1. Interferon-α nebulization: interferon-α 200,000–400,000 IU/kg or 2–4 μg/kg in 2 mL sterile water, nebulization two times per day for 5–7 days 
  2. Interferon-α2b spray: applied for high-risk populations with a close contact with suspected 2019-nCoV infected patients or those in the early phase with only upper respiratory tract symptoms. Patients should use 1–2 sprays on each side of the nasal cavity, 8–10 sprays on the oropharynx, and the dose of interferon-α2b per injection is 8000 IU, once every 1–2 hours, 8–10 sprays/day for a course of 5–7 days.
  • The Spanish Guides issued on the 3rd of March, 2020 on its recommendation section refer the Chinese experience using interferon α2b nebulization with the following dosage: 100.000–200.000 UI/kg for mild cases, and 200.000–400.000 UI/kg for severe cases, twice a day during 5 to 7 days. 
  •  The National University of Singapore (NUS) on its indications issued March 12, 2020, also refers the Chinese experience of the use of interferon in combination with Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir)


  • Es común que por su conocido mecanismo de acción se emplee el Interferón (IFN) contra infecciones virales para las que no se disponen de terapias específicas. Está ampliamente demostrado el efecto antiviral del interferón, siendo la primera línea de defensa antiviral, activando tanto la respuesta inmune innata contra el virus, como el mecanismo de inhibición de la replicación viral, mediado por los genes inductores de interferón (W.M. Schneider, et al. Annual Review of Immunology. 2014; 32:513-545). 
  • Se ha reportado que el SARS-CoV (coronavirus asociado a la epidemia de 2002) reduce la expresión de IFN, impidiendo que se activen los genes inductores de IFN como STAT1 y MyD88, y que los mecanismos de defensa antiviral puedan detectar la presencia del virus. (M.J. Cameron, et al. PLoS ONE 2012, 7 (9): e45842) . 
  • La proteasa tipo Papaína del coronavirus ha mostrado actividad antagónica al interferón. Interferon Antagonism Activities of Coronavirus Papain-Like Proteases. J Virol. 2010;84(9):4619–29. 
  • Tanto el SARS como el MERS tienen acción antagónicas con el interferón. Advances in Virus Research. 2016. p. 219–43. Se ha demostrado que la inducción de IFN protege contra la infección por MERS-CoV (coronavirus asociado a la epidemia de 2012). 
  • El bloqueo del IFN prolonga la eliminación del virus e incrementa la respuesta inflamatoria y disminuye la respuesta celular mediada por células T. 
  •  Demostración de la sensibilidad de SARS/MERS CoV al interferón y a otras drogas basadas en sueros hiperinmunes en el hombre. Infect Disord – Drug Targets [Internet]. 2014 Sep 11 Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25019238 
  • Demostrado que la inducción de NF-kB (mecanismo asociado al incremento de citocinas proinflamatorias) se incrementa en monos adultos asociado con el daño pulmonar, y en consecuencia la respuesta inflamatoria mediada por citosinas IL-6 e IL-8. En monos jóvenes donde es elevada expresión temprana de IFN esto no sucede (S.L. Smits, et al. PLoS Pathogens, 6 (2010), p. e100075).
  • La administración de IFN durante el primer día después de inocular ratones con el virus (antes de que se llegue al pico de multiplicación viral), evitó la muerte de los ratones produciendo una infección subclínica. Una administración tardía del IFN no logró los mismos efectos (R. Channappanavar, et al. J Clin Invest. 2019;129(9):3625-3639. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI126363.). 
  • Artículos recientes también han demostrado que una expresión temprana del IFN favorece la rápida inducción de la respuesta de anticuerpos neutralizantes (Marco de Giovani, et al. Nature Immunology 2020). 
  • Se recomienda el uso del Interferón nebulizado en embarazadas según la revista Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2020;00:1–4., en su artículo “Novel corona virus disease (COVID-19) in pregnancy: What clinical recommendations to follow?”. 
  • Recomiendan el uso nebulizado del interferón Alfa 2B en niños según la revista World Journal of Pediatrics, Feb 2020, en sus artículos “Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of 2019 novel coronavirus infection in children: experts’ consensus statement” y “Pharmaceutical care recommendations for antiviral treatments in children with coronavirus disease 2019”.
Éstas evidencias y estudios previos sugieren la posible utilidad del interferón de forma preventiva en población vulnerable y en etapas tempranas de la infección, además de que continúa publicándose su uso en la actual pandemia y aparece recomendado en los protocolos de tratamientos de pacientes por diferentes países y organizaciones.
Ante la urgencia de esta pandemia, no sólo el interferón, sino diversas drogas están siendo utilizadas como herramientas terapéuticas, aún cuando la eficacia de las mismas no ha sido demostrada para el tratamiento del SARSCOV-2.

Recomendaciones de Guías Chinas, de OMS, Singapur, Sud Corea, España y de Instituciones de EE.UU. sobre el uso clínico del Interferón

  • Consenso de Expertos de la Sociedad China de Farmacología, Emitida el 6 de Febrero está: Interferon-alpha (adultos: 5 millones UI en 2ml de agua estéril para inyección administrado de forma nebulizada, dos veces al día).
  • El 3 de marzo en las orientaciones para “Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia” (Trial Version 7) emitidas por National Health Commission & State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine on March 3, 2020).
  • En las Guías del Centro Médico John Hopkins en Baltimore.
  • En el Reporte de la Comisión Conjunta de la OMS y China para el seguimiento de la Epidemia y recomendaciones, que sesionó del 16 al 24 de Febrero, se recoge en la página 33 que no existe ningún tratamiento específico que haya demostrado eficacia pero a la vez refleja que las guías chinas de manejo de la enfermedad recomiendan 5 tratamientos antivirales entre los que se encuentra el Interferón (chloroquine phosphate, lopinavir/ritonavir, alpha interferon, ribavirin, arbidol).
  • El Interferón se recomienda también por un Comité de Expertos para el tratamiento y prevención de COVID-19. El Comité estuvo integrado por Group of Respirology, Chinese Pediatric Society, Chinese Medical Association, Chinese Medical Doctor Association Committee on Respirology Pediatrics, China Medicine Education Association Committee on Pediatrics, Chinese Research Hospital Association, Committee on Pediatrics • Chinese Non-government Medical Institutions Association Committee on Pediatrics, China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Committee on Children’s Health and Medicine Research, China News of Drug Information Association, Committee on Children’s Safety Medication, Global Pediatric Pulmonology Alliance, en un reciente artículo en el World Journal of Pediatrics del 29 de Enero, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12519-020-00343-7 En este artículo se recomienda los siguientes tratamientos:
  1. Interferon-α nebulization: interferon-α 200,000–400,000 IU/kg or 2–4 μg/kg in 2 mL sterile water, nebulization two times per day for 5–7 days 
  2. Interferon-α2b spray: applied for high-risk populations with a close contact with suspected 2019-nCoV infected patients or those in the early phase with only upper respiratory tract symptoms. Patients should use 1–2 sprays on each side of the nasal cavity, 8–10 sprays on the oropharynx, the dose of interferon-α2b per injection is 8000 IU, once every 1–2 hours, 8–10 sprays/day for a course of 5–7 days.
  • Las Guías españolas emitidas el 3 de marzo en sus recomendaciones reflejan la experiencia China de usar nebulización con interferón-α2b 100.000–200.000 UI/kg para casos leves, y 200.000–400.000 UI/kg para casos graves, dos veces/día durante 5–7 días. 
  • La Universidad Nacional de Singapur (NUS) en sus indicaciones del 12 de marzo de 2020, también recoge la experiencia China en su uso combinado con Kaletra.